You will need to copy the source of the first 2 files and save them into a new folder on your machine and then just drag the images into that folder before you start work
copy.txt next trip.htm
1. Locate the test-site-folder within your in your personal folder
2. Identify all the files. You should have:
3. Make a new html page to be the home page of the site. Name it appropriately and save in test-site-folder
4. Insert the copy from copy.txt into the home page
5. Set the title of the page (to appear in the title bar of the browser window) to read “Merton Mountaineers”
6 Divide the blocks of text into paragraphs on the home page as indicated in copy.txt
7. Format each line of text to arial
8. Centre all the text on the Home page.
9 Set the first line of the text to size 6
10 Set the second line beginning “A team….” to size 3 and italic
11 Set the third paragraph beginning “We are a friendly…” to size 4
12 Set the third Paragraph beginning “Join us…” to size 4 bold
13 Set the fifth Paragraph beginning “Details of…” to size 4 and link it to
14 Set the last line to arial size 2 and make it read “Updated by (insert your name)”
15 Between the 1st and second lines, insert the image after01.jpg and centre it.
16 Make the background colour of the page silver.
17 Check you’re your page and ensure every thing is working correctly.