Hi Guys,
This week I want to concentrate on your accuracy and efficient working methods that will make the Clait test a breeze! So we will re-visit the test that you all did last week and see if we can get things a bit more slick.
Here are a few main points to remember from today's class.
- In Explorer use: file > page setup > footer > URL to show file path at bottom of print outs from your work
- READ THE QUESTIONS!! Probably best 1 task at a time.
- Make a new blank document in note pad and save it as the htm file specified in the test. Don't for get the encoding to UTF8 and the file extension .htm
- Open the template in note pad
- Copy the code down to the opening body and paste in the new document
- Copy the closing body and html tags and paste them at the bottom of the new document
- Save and paste in the text from the specified text file, closing it when done.
- Now copy paragraph openers including size, font and alignment code into the new document. Then copy closers to the new file in all the right places.
- Adapt size, font and alignment values to suit.
- Save and view in browser
- You should now have only 3 windows open, your browser, your webpage code in notepad and your template in note pad.
- Continue through the questions by copying the correct code from the template, question by question and adapting the values as specified.
- Check each question in browser as you go.
This week we Should finish the Css presentation ferom last week so here is the link to it again
Week 6 Presentation
Homework :-(
So, this week I would really like you to find time to do a sample Clait test I have given you a disc with the files and a template on and a question sheet. If you could save the files to a stick and bring them next week or email them to me at millington@tiscali.co.uk that would be really useful.
Here are links to the files you need if you loose the disk or it won't work. You will need to copy and paste the source of the html fileand copy the text of the text file and paste them into new text documents named as below. The 3image files can be copied and pasted or dragged into a new folder or your desktop, Get all the files correctly named into a single folder before you start.
Good luck with the test and I look forward to seeing you all next week.